A la fontana del vergier (By the fountain of the orchard)
A l'alena del vent doussa (In the breath of the gentle breeze)
Al departir del brau tempier (At the end of the cold season)
Al prim comens de l'ivernaill (At the first onset of winter)
Al son desviat, chantaire (On a loaned tune, singing)
Amics Marchabrun, car digam (Marcabru, my friend, let's compose)
Ans que·l terminis verdei (Before the season turns green)
Assatz m'es bel del temps essuig (I like the dry season)
Aujatz de chan com enans'e meillura (Hear how my song progresses and improves)
Bel m'es quan la rana chanta (I like the time when the frog sings)
Bel m'es can s'esclarzis l'onda (I am happy when the wave is cleared)
Bel m'es quan son li fruich madur (I love when the fruits are ripe)
[Co]ntra [l'i]vern que s'e[n]ansa (With the winter coming forth)
Cortesamen vuoill comenssar (I want to start a piece courteously)
D'aisso laus Dieu (I thank God)
Dirai vos en mon lati (I shall tell you, in my language)
Dirai vos senes duptansa (I will tell you without hesitation)
Doas cuidas ai compaignier (I have two thoughts for company)
Bel m'es quan la fuelh' ufana (I love when the leaf seems proud)
Emperaire, per mi mezeis (Emperor, I know)
Emperaire per vostre prez (Emperor, it is because of your virtue)
En abriu, s'esclairo·il riu contra·l Pascor (In April, the streams become clear towards Easter)
Estornel, cueill ta volada (Starling-poem, take your flight)
Ges l'estornels non s'oblida (Certainly, the starling does not forget)
Lanquan fuelhon li boscatge (When the groves are leafy)
L'autrier, a l'issida d'abriu (The other day, at the beginning of April)
L'autrier jost' una sebissa (The other day, by a hedge)
L'iverns vai e·l temps s'aizina (Winter departs and the weather follows)
Lo vers comenssa (The piece begins)
Lo vers comens quan vei del fau (I start the piece when I see the beech)
Hueymais dey esser alegrans (Now I should be glad) Pax in nomine Domini
Per l'aura freida que guida (Because of the cold wind that guides)
Per savi·l tenc ses doptanssa (I consider wise, no doubt)
Pois la fuoilla revirola (Since I see the leaf turn around)
Pois l'inverns d'ogan es anatz (Since the Winter of this year is gone)
Pus mos coratges s'es clarzitz (Since my heart has brightened)
Pus s'enfulleysson li verjan (Since the orchards sprout leaves)
Quan l'aura doussana bufa (When the gentle breeze blows)
Seigner n'Audric (My lord Sir Audric) La puta (The Whore)