prosody | miscellaneous |
Car vei qe clars Chanz s'abriva Dels aucels, e·l prims fremirs, M'es douz e bels lor auzirs Tan qe no sai coisi·m viva Sens chantar, per qe comenz Una chansoneta gaia. E·l sols blancs, clars, Veg qe raia Cautz, greus, secs, durs et ardenz, Qe·m frain totz mos bons talens. Mas una voluntatz gaia D'un franc joi, qe·m mou Dezirs, No vol c'ap flacs volers viva. Ges no m'es clars Ni m'esquiva Est jois, don faz lez sospirs, Ni sai s'anc mi valc mos dirs Ni mi noc; e tem qe·m viva Enaisi trop lonjamens L'amors qe·il tenc meja gaia. Mos cors es clars E s'esmaia! Aici vauc mestz grams-iauzens, Plens e voigz de bel comens; Qe l'una meitatz es gaia E l'autra m'adorm cossirs Ab voluntat mort'e viva. C'us volers clars Qe·m caliva M'espeing enant en Faillirs! Mostra Temers que jauzirs Val mais al home qe viva Qe cortz gaugz; per q'espaventz S'altempr'ab voluntat gaia. Vostr'amics clars No·us essaia, Dona, ni·us mostra parvens, Cor es en vos totz sos sens. Ni sap si l'etz dur'o gaia! Tant vos tem qe·l Descubrirs L'escarz, e no sap com viva. Que non es clars, Ab c'om pliva, Amics, ni ab genz mentirs, Si non tem so; c'a martirs Leu deu venir anz q'el viva! C'om non ama finamenz Senes gran temensa gaia. Ai! francs cors clars! Res veraia! Domna, vailla·m Chausimenz Si eu non sui tant sapiens Qe·us sapcha, per foudat gaia, Dir so qe voil; mas Suffrirs No·m dan si voletz qe viva. Domna,·l meilher res qe viva! De loing ses fuec m'escomprens E·m donas voluntat gaia. Ai! dousa res coind'e gaia Ara·m prosmara·l morirs Si no·m das socors com viva. |
Since I see that the clear song and the fine warbling of the birds is increasing, I find it sweet and pleasant to hear them; so much in fact that I don't know how to live without singing, so that I begin a cheerful little song. And I see that the white, clear sun shines, hot, searing, dry, hard and burning, and ruins all my good intentions. But a cheerful wish for an earnest joy, which Desire stirs, doesn't want me to live with an extenuated will. This joy never clearly reveals itself nor does it shy me, and I happily sigh because of it, and I don't know whether my sayings avail me or harm me; and I fear this half-hearted joy will overlive in this state. My heart is clear and still dismayed; I go disheartened, sad and still merry, full and void [at once] of good beginnings; for my one half is merry and the other dulled by worry with a will which is dead, and still lives. A clear desire that consumed me pushes me into Misconduct's arms; [but] Retain shows me that enjoyment is worth more to any living man than a brief pleasure; through which my fear is alloyed with cheerful will. Your clear lover doesn't approach you, lady, nor shows you his visage when all his senses tend towards you. He doesn't know if you are harsh towards him, or cheerful; he regards you so much that Disclosure keeps him away, and he doesn't know how to live. For a lover is not clear, no matter if one pleads or is full of pleasant lies, if he doesn't fear thus; for he should easily go to his martyrdom rather than live. For one is not an adept lover without much cheerful fear. Ah! Clear, earnest heart! You true thing! Lady, may Clemency avail me if I am not wise enough to be able, through my cheerful folly, to say what I mean; but Enduring won't hurt me, if you wish me to live. Lady, the best thing alive, you inflame me from afar, without fire and give me cheerful longing. Ah, you sweet, gleeful, nice thing, now death draws near me if you don't come to my rescue so that I may live. |