Cars, douz e fenhz del bederesc (Dear, sweet and secret)
En aital rimeta prima (In a clever little poem such as this)
Una chansoneta fèra (I shall gladly write a little)
Apres mon vers vueilh sempr'ordre (After my verse, I want to weave, right away)
Un vers farai de tal mena (So I shall write a verse)
Peire Rotgier, a trassaillir (Peire Rogier, I must)
Al prim qe·il timi sorz en sus (When first the thyme shoots up)
Braiz, chans, quils, critz (I hear the tweets, songs, twitterings)
Car vei qe clars (Since I see that the clear)
Ar vei bru, escur, trebol cèl (Now I see cloudy, dark, stormy skies)
Ar m'er tal un vers a faire (Now I have a verse to compose)
Ab vergoinha part marrimentz (With shame along with distress)
Er quant s'embla·l foill del fraisse (Now when the leaf parts from the ash)
Ara non siscla ni chanta (Now the nightingale neither warbles)
Entre gel e vent e fanc (The frost and wind and mud)
Pos trobars plans (Since plain style)
Assaz m'es belh (I find it quite nice)
Aissi mou (Thus I begin)
Amors, cum er? Que faray? (Love, what will happen? What shall I do?)
Assatz sai d'amor ben parlar (I can very well talk about love)
Ben s'eschai q'en bona cort (It is fitting that he who can sing)
Ben sai c'a sels seria fèr (I know well that it would be hard)
Donna, cel qe·us es bos amics (Lady, he who is a good friend of yours)
Escotatz, mas no say que s'es (Listen, but I don't know what it is)
Amics, en gran cossirier (Friend, I am in great anguish)
Dona, si m'auzes rancurar (Lady, if I dared complain)
Non chant per auzel ni per flor (I do not sing for bird nor for flower)
Lonc temps ai estat cubèrtz (I have been secretive for a long time)
Ara·m so del tot conquis (Now I am all overcome)
A mon vers dirai chansso (I shall call my verse 'song')
Ara·m platz, Giraut de Borneill (Now, I'd like to know, Giraut de Bornelh)
S'il cors es pres, la lengua non es preza; (Even though my body is in thrall, my tongue is not;)
Joglar, fe qed eu dei (Joglar, by the faith I owe)
Parliers. . . . . . . . .-ana (Motormouths. . . . . . . .)
Ab nou cor et ab nou talen (With a new heart and with a new desire)
Ar non sui jes mals et astrucs (Now, I am not "ill" and "fortunate")
Als durs, crus, cozens, lauzengiers (To the hard, cruel, scalding slanderers)
Pois tals saber mi sortz e·m creis (Since such a skill springs and grows in me)
Ar resplan la flors envèrsa (Now the flora shines, perverse)