Dezamparatz, ses companho (Forlorn, without companion)
L'autre dia, per un mati (The other day, in the morning)
Crezens, fis, verays et entiers (Respectful, faithful, true and whole)
Patz passien ven del Senhor (Lasting peace comes from the lord)
Senhors, per los nostres peccatz (Gentlemen, it is because of our sins)
Un vers vuelh far, chantador (As a singer, I want to write a piece)
Lo mes e·l temps e l'an deparc (I dismiss the month and season and year)
Ieu no suy pars als autres trobadors (I am not like the other troubadours)
Lo vers dech far en tal rima (I shall write a poem in such a rime)
A la pus longa nuech de l'an (We have come to the longest night)