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Belhs m'es l'estius e'l temps floritz,
Quan l'auzelh chanton sotz la flor,
Mas ieu tenc l'ivern per gensor
Quar mais de joy m'i es cobitz,
Et quant hom ve son jauzimen
Es ben razos e d'avinen
Qu'om sia plus coyndes e guays.

Er ai ieu joy e suy jausitz
E restauratz en ma valor,
E non iray jamai alhor
Ni non querrai autruy conquistz,
Qu'eras say ben az escien
Que selh es savis qui aten
E selh es fols qui trop s'irays.

Lonc temps ai estat en dolor
Et de tot mon afar marritz,
Qu'anc no fuy tan fort endurmitz
Que no'm rissides de paor.
Mas aras vey e pes e sen
Que passat ai aquelh turmen,
E non hi vuelh tornar ja mays.

Mout mi tenon a gran honor
Totz selhs cui ieu n'ey obeditz
Quar a mon joi suy revertitz:
E laus eu lieys e Dieu e lhor,
Qu'er an lur grat e lur prezen,
E, que qu'ieu m'en anes dizen,
Lai mi remanh e lay m'apays.

Mas per so m'en sui encharzitz,
Ja non creyrai lauzenjador:
Qu'anc no fuy tan lunhatz d'amor
Qu'er no'n sia sals e gueritz.
Plus savis hom de mi mespren,
Per qu'ieu sai ben az escien
Qu'anc fin'amors home non trays.

Mielhs mi fora jazer vestitz
Que despolhatz sotz cobertor
E puesc vos en traire auctor
La nueyt quant ieu fuy assalhitz.
Totz temps n'aurai mon cor dolen,
Quar aissi's n'aneron rizen,
Qu'enquer en sospir e'n pantais.

I enjoy the Summer and the flowers' season
when birds sing below the flowers,
but I find Winter more pleasant
because I am granted joy,
and when one envisions his pleasure
it is a good and solid reason
for him to be kinder and merrier.

Now I have joy, and I am merry
and am restored in my worth,
and I shall never turn elsewhere
nor shall I covet other people's conquests
because now I know for sure
that he is wise who waits
and that he is a fool who loses his patience.

For a long time, I was in pain
and oblivious to what happened to me
and I was never so fast asleep
that I couldn't wake up for fear.
But now I see, and judge and feel
that that torment is over
and I don't ever want to be back to it.

They very much congratulate,
all those whom I have listened to
because I am back to my joy:
and praises be both to god and to them
who have their merit and their meed.
And, whatever I went about saying,
I rest and am satisfied there.

And, since I am exalted,
I shan't believe any slanderer:
I never was so far from love
as much as I am safe and healed now.
Even those wiser than me are wrong
because I well know for sure
that a perfect love doesn't betray anyone.

I'd better go to bed dressed
than naked under the covers
and I can produce as evidence
the night I was assaulted.
I shall always grieve about it,
because they went away laughing, like that,
while I still sigh and repine about it.