prosody | miscellaneous |
L'iverns vai e·l temps s'aizina E reverdej' il boisso, E par la flors en l'espina Don s'esjauzen l'auzello: Ai Ja deven hom d'amor gai, Chascus vas sa par s'atrai, Hoc, Segon plazenssa corina. Lo freitz frim e la bruina Contra la gentil sazo! Pels plais e per la gaudina Aug del chan la contensso! Ai Ieu·m met de trobar en plai, E dirai d'amor cum vai, Hoc, Si·m vuoill e cum revolina. Amars creis et atahina Tric' ab coratje gloto Per una dolssor conina Que·is compren d'un fuoc fello! Ai Ja non er nuills s'i dechai D'averas o per assai! Hoc, No·i lais del pel en l'arsina. Bon' Amors porta meizina Per garir son compaigno, Amars lo sieu disciplina E·l met en perdicio! Ai Tant cant l'avers dura, sai, Al fol, semblan d'amor fai, Hoc, E quan l'avers faill buzina. Gent cembel fai que trahina Ves son agach lo brico, Del cim tro qu'en la racina, Entrebescat hoc e no! Ai Tal amei blanc brun e bai Ab si farai no farai Hoc, Fai al fol magra l'esquina. Dompna non sap d'amor fina C'ama girbaut de maiso, Sa voluntatz la mastina Cum fai lebrieir' ab gosso! Ai D'aqui naisso·ill ric savai Que no fant conduit ni pai! Hoc, Si cum Marcabrus declina. Aquest intr' en la cozina Coitar lo fuoc el tizo E beu lo fum de la tina De si donz na Bonafo! Ai Ieu sai cum sojorn' e jai E part lo gran e·l balai, Hoc, Son seignor engirbaudina. Qui bon' Amor a vezina E viu de sa liurazo, Honors e Valors l'aclina E Pretz sens nuill' ochaio! Ai Tant la fai ab dig verai Que no·il cal aver esmai Hoc, Del trut dullurut n'Aiglina. Ja non farai mai plevina Ieu per la troba n'Eblo, Que sentenssa follatina Manten encontra razo! Ai Qu'ieu dis e dic e dirai Quez amors et amars brai, Hoc, E qui blasm'Amor buzina. |
Winter departs and the weather follows, and the bushes grow green and the flower appears on the hawthorn, for which the birds rejoice. Alas! Already, Love gives happiness: each is attracted to his mate thus, according to one's heart's desire. The cold and drizzle shiver at the coming of the gentle season. Through hedgerows and woods, I dare attack a song. Alas! I put myself in a position to compose and tell how Love goes thus, if I want, and how it cavorts. Love grows and clings and cheats with gluttonous desire. For a gentle pleasure, it ignites a foul fire. Alas! There won't be anyone who, if he falls, for real or just to try, thus, doesn't leave some hair in firestorm. Good love brings medicine to cure his companion. Lovemaking punishes his own and drives him to perdition. Alas! As long as the money lasts, I know, it pretends to love the fool thus and, when money runs dry, it scrams. It makes a nice call, which lures towards its traps, the knave; and, from the crown to the root, it mingles Yes and No. Alas! I loved someone white, brown and bay. Will I or won't I do it with her? Thus, it makes the fool's back thin! A woman doesn't know about pure love who loves a cad in her home; her lust turns her into a mastiff as a sight hound does with a little mutt. Alas! Thence are born the uncouth rich who give no treats nor money. Thus, as Marcabru declares. Such enters the kitchen to take care of the fire on the embers and drinks the steam of the bathtub of his mistress, lady Bonafo. Alas! I know how he lounges and lies and parts the grain from the chaff and thus grants his lord knavish heirs. To him who has Good Love as a neighbour and lives of its gifts, Honor, Valour and Virtue give homage without objections. Alas! As long as he fares with true words, he behoves not have fear, thus, of the bouncy-bouncy of Lady Aiglina. I will no longer strive to find Sir Eblon, for he defends foolish statements against reason. Alas! For I say, and said and will say that love and lovemaking wrangle thus, so that he who blames Love messes up. |