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Pois la fuoilla revirola
Que vei d'entre·ls cims cazer,
Que·l vens deromp e degola,
Que no·is pot mais sostener,
Mais pretz lo freich temporau
Que l'estiu plen de gandill
Don nais puti' et enveia.

Lo pics e la rossignola
Tornon lor chant en tazer,
Si·s fa·l gais e l'auriola,
Don l'inverns fai son plazer!
E l'orgoills torn' en canau
Per garssos plens de grondill,
Qu'en estiu contradenteia.

Graissans ni serps que s'amola
No·m fant espaven ni mau,
Mosca ni tavans que vola,
Escaravait ni bertau,
Aquist malvatz volatill
Non sent bruir ni oler,
Don francs inverns nos neteia.

Ges l'afilatz bec d'aissola
Non pert son loc al fogau,
Anz porta pic e massola
Don son gran li dui mau.
Cest tol si donz al jazer
La dolor del penchinill,
Pel feminiu don se breia.

Cest trai del mieill la briola
Plen' al maitin et al ser,
E sobre·l faire faissola,
Car pot la coa mover!
Cest fai la nuoich son jornau,
Don engenrra un bel fill,
Per que sobreseignoreia.

Cazen levan trobaiola
Va·l segles e no m'en chau.
Aissi cum la seguignola,
Poi' amon e chai avau.

Since I see the leaf turn around
and fall from the canopy
as the wind rips and tears,
and it can no longer stay,
I value the cold season more
than the Summer, full of guiles,
which gives rise to whoring and desire.

The woodpecker and the she-nightingale
turn their song into silence;
so do the jay and the she-oriole,
with whom Winter does as he pleases;
and it keeps on a leash
the pride of the grumbling knaves,
which shows its teeth in the Summer.

A toad or snake that huddles
neither harms nor scares me,
no more than a fly or horsefly,
chafer or hornet,
those wicked fliers;
I do not perceive rustling nor stench,
because the pure Winter cleanses us.

Still, the sharp, adze-like beak
does not lose his place by the fire:
rather, he wields both blade and poll,
whose double damage is great.
He takes from his lady, while she's lying,
the pain of the pubis
in exchange for the feminine [part] by which he is shortened!

This one takes an armload of the best,
morning and evening,
and, in doing so, embraces,
because he knows how to use his dick.
It is at night that that one does his work,
from which he engenders a handsome son,
through whom he lords over his lord.

It is raising and falling in turmoil
that the World goes (and I don't care),
just as the little stork
soars aloft and then drops down.