prosody | miscellaneous |
No puesc saber per que·m sia destregz Ni sai on es amors qu'om tan mentau, Qu'ieu non l'auzi ni non la vey ni l'au, Mas per semblans mais hi truep tortz que dretz. Mas als clamans l'aug clamar amor fina: Ve·us lo conort que m'enuej' e·m destruy E·m fai amar lieys que·m ten pres e·m fui Et en fugens m'encaussa e·m camina. Partir no·m puesc ni no sai estar quetz, Qu'ira·m fai dir gaban mon talan brau! Tan suy destretz qu'ie·m rancur quar non gau Lieys qu'ieu am mais que non amet vasletz Guis de Nantuelh la piussel' Ayglentina, E muer aman! tan outracujatz sui Quar non podem dire·l marit abduy, E·n torn' a ma et auci sa vezina. E doncx que·m val lauzenjars ni abetz Per l'oc reman e per lo non m'esmau! Et er m'a far lo conort del bertau, Cum selh que ditz en chantan en Folquetz, Qu'a Tortona, lai part Aleixandrina, Queyra merce, mas say no truep refuy! Et er me grieu si·m part de lieys per bruy: Sol o comens, qu'er dans si no s'afina. Bona dona, fis e francx et adretz Vos ai estat e portat vostre lau! Parlem abduy planamens e suau, Et entendetz que·us diray esta vetz: Amada·us ai mays qu'Andrieus la reyna! Premeiramens que fos mieus ni d'autruy Suy ieu vostres, e serai ses tot cuy. Doncx non es vos ma sor ni ma cozina. Lo jorn que·ns ac amors abdos eletz, Vostra beutat me det l'erguelh del pau, Que remira·l vert e·l vermelh e·l blau Tro per erguelh s'erra de las paretz! Aquelh erguelh li te tro que·l cap clina, Que ve sos pes! et ieu contrafas luy, Quan vey midons qu'ab belh semblan m'aduy Gaug et erguelh, tro qu'ap no m'atayna. En Proensa, quant encaus ni quan fuy, Crit Monferrat, la senha de qu'ieu suy, E Tortona, lai part Aleyssandrina. |
I can't understand the cause of my distress nor do I know where this love is, which is so glorified, because I didn't hear it, nor do I see it nor do I hear it now but, judging by appearances, there is more wrong in it than right. But I hear those who invoke it call it "precious love": and that is the consolation which saddens and wastes me and makes me love the one who has me in thrall and flees me and while fleeing assails and pursues me. I can't depart nor am I able to be quiet since anger stirs me to vent my fierce intentions in crude words; I'm so tormented that I complain that I do not enjoy the one I love more than the young hero Gui of Nantueil loved the maiden Ayglentine, and I die of my love; I am so incensed because we two cannot tell the husband anything, and he warps and mistreats his woman. So, what good is flattery or ruse to me? If she says "yes" I shall stay, and if "no" shall I depart; And I will have the consolation of the wretch, as the one mentioned by sir Folquet in his song, since in Tortona, there by Alessandria, I shall beg for mercy, since here I find no refuge. And it grieves me, if I leave her becaiuse of a quarrel: I have just begun [my wooing], and it'll be a pity if I don't improve on it. Gracious lady, I have been to you true, sincere and upright, and I have woven your praises! Let us discourse clearly and suavely, and listen to what I'll say this time: I have loved you more than Andrew loved the queen; before I belong to myself or to another, I am yours, and so it shall ever be. And still, you are not my sister nor my cousin. The day love has picked us both, your beauty gave me the pride of the peacock, who looks unto his green and vermillion and blue until he suffers from delusions of nobility. And he holds to this pride until he bends his head and looks at his own feet; and I imitate him when I see my lady who, with her fair countenance, brings me joy and pride, until her refusal causes me distress. In Provence, when I attack and when I retreat, I cry "Monferrat!", the signal of my lord, and "Tortona", there by Alessandria. |
Frank pattern: 624c