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Ara pot hom conoisser e proar
Que de bos faitz rend Dieus bon guizerdon,
C'al pro marques n'a faich esmend' e don,
Q'el fai son pretz sobre.ls meillors pojar
Tant qe.il crozat de Frans' e de Campaigna
L'an quist a Dieu per lo meillor de totz
E per cobrar lo sepulcr' e la crotz
On Jhesus fon, q'el vol en sa compaigna
L'onrat marques, et a.il Dieus dat poder
De bons vassals e de terr' e d'aver
E de ric cor per far miels so que.il taigna.

Tant a d'onor e vol honratz estar
Q'el honra Dieu e pretz e mession
E si mezeis, que s'eron mil baron
Ensems ab lui, de totz si sap honrar,
Q'el honra.ls sieus et honra gen estraigna,
Per q'es desus qan l'autre son desotz;
C'a tal honor a levada la crotz
Que non par ges mais honors li sofraigna,
C'ad honor vol est segl' e l'autr' aver,
E Dieus a.l dat forssa, geing e saber
Co.ls ai' amdos, e tant qant pot s'en laigna.

Cel qui fetz air' e cel e terr' e mar
E freig e caut e ploi' e vent e tron
Vol q'el sieu guit passon mar tuich li bon,
Si cum guidet Melchion e Gaspar
En Bethleem, que.l plan e la montaigna
Nos tolen Turc, e Dieus no.n vol dir motz.
Mas a nos taing, per cui fo mes en crotz,
Que lai passem, e qui que sai remaigna
Vol s'avol vid' e sa greu mort vezer,
Q'en laig pechat estam c'om deu temer,
Don qecs er soutz si.n flum Jordan si baigna.

Dieus si laisset vendre per nos salvar,
E.n soffri mort e.n receup passion,
E l'auniront per nos Juzeu fellon,
E.n fon batutz e liatz al pilar,
E.n fon levatz el trau q'er' en la faigna
E correjatz de correjas ab noz
E coronatz d'espinas en la crotz:
Per q'a dur cor totz hom qe.l dan non plagna
Qe.ns fant li Turc que volont retener
La terr' on Dieus volc mortz e vius jazer,
Don nos n'eschai grans gerr' e grans mesclaigna.

Mas tant nos fai nostre pechatz torbar
Que mort vivem e non sai dire com,
C'un non i a tant gaillart ni tant pro,
Si a un gauch non ai' autre pesar,
Ni es honors q'ad anta no s'afraigna,
Car contr'un gauch a.l plus rics mil corrotz.
Mas Dieus es gaugz per c'om si seign' en crotz,
Per que non pot perdre qui lui gazaigna!
Per q'ieu am mais, s'a lui ven a plazer,
De lai morir que sai vius remaner
En aventura, fos mi' Alamaigna.

Nostr' estol guit sains Nicholaus de Bar,
E.il Campanes dreisson lor gonfanon,
E.l marques crit Monferrat e.l leon,
E.l coms flamencs Flandres als grans colps dar,
E fieira.i qecs d'espaz' e lansa.i fraigna,
Que leu aurem los Turcs totz mortz e rotz
E cobrarem en camp la vera crotz
C'avem perdut! e.il valen rei d'Espaigna
Fassant grans ostz sobre.ls Maurs conquerer,
Que.l marques vai ost e setge tener
Sobre.l soudan e pass' en breu Romaigna.

Nostre Senher nos mand' e.ns ditz a totz
Qu'anem cobrar lo sepulcr' e la crotz!
E qui volra esser de sa companha
Mueira per lui, si vol vius remaner
Em paradis, e fassa som poder
De passar mar e d'aucir la gen canha.

Bels Cavalliers, per cui fatz sos e motz,
Non sai si.m lais per vos o.m leu la crotz,
Ni sai cum an ni sai comen remigna,
Que tant mi fai vostre bels cors plazer
Q'ieu muor s'ie.us vei e, qand no.us puosc vezer,
Cuich morir sols ab tot' autra compaigna.

Now one can know and prove
that God to good deeds gives good reward,
and to the valiant marquis he has given gift and meed
making his worth stand above the best,
so that the crusaders of France and of Champagne
have asked for him of God as the best of all
to retrieve the sepulchre and the cross
where Jesus was, he who wants in his train
the honoured marquis; and God has given him plenty
of good vassals, land and wealth
and of brave heart to do better what behoves him.

He has so much of honour, and wants too keep it,
that he honours God, and worth and generosity
and himself, so that if a thousand barons were
along with him, he would stand over them all honour-wise;
he honours himself and honours stranger people
so that he's praised when others are blamed;
he has worn the cross with such honour
that it doesn't seem he lacks other honours,
since with honour he wants to win this world and the other
and god has given him strength, wit and learning
to have them both, and he endeavours at his best.

He who made air and sky and earth and sea
and cold and heat and rain and wind and thunder
wants all good men to cross the sea under his guidance
lead as he lead Melchior and Caspar
to Bethlehem, since plains and mountains
part us from the Turks and God won't utter a word.
It befits us, for whom he was set onto a cross,
to cross thereto; and he who stays here
wants to see an ill life and a grievous death:
because we linger in filthy sin, that man must dread,
and from which each'll be delivered by bathing in the Jordan.

God let himself be sold to save us,
and suffered death and endured his passion;
fiendish Jews insulted him for our sake,
and he was beaten and bound to a stake,
and raised onto the beam that stood in the mud
and he was lashed with knotted scourges
and crowned with thorns on the cross:
so, hard-hearted is the man that doesn't mourn the harm
the Turks cause us, in wanting to keep
the lands where God wanted to dwell, alive and dead:
so we ought to wage war and stir huge fights.

But our sin thwarts us to such a degree
that we live like dead men, I can't tell how,
since there is no man so brave nor so valiant that,
if he has joy somwhere, he shan't have sorrows somewhere else,
nor is there honour that doesn't turn to shame:
the luckiest has one pleasure out of a thousand grievances.
But God, in whose name one crosses himself, is joy,
so that he who gains of Him can't lose;
so I love better, if He so likes,
to die there than to stay alive here
in peril, were Germany mine.

St. Nicholas of Bari lead our fleet
and those of Champagne lift their gonfalon
cry the marquis "Monferrat and the lion!"
and the Flemish count cry "Flandres" while strongly slashing;
and leet each wound with his sword and break his lance,
so that, soon, we'll have the Turks all dead and routed
and we'll win on the field the true cross
we have lost; and let the brave kings of Spain
make great armies triumph over the Moors,
since the marquis attacks and besieges
the soldan, and will presently cross to Rumania.

Our Lord commands and advises us all
to go retrieve the sepulchre and cross;
and he who wants to be of his train,
let him die for Him if he wants to stay alive
in Heaven, and let him do what he can
to cross the sea and kill those curs.

Fair Knight for whom I write songs and lyrics,
I don't know whether to renounce for your sake, or wear the cross
nor how to go, nor how to remain;
so much your beautiful body pleases me,
that I die if I see you and if can't see you:
I fear to die, in anyone's company but yours.