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Tuich me pregon, Engles, qe vos don saut
Del fol anar don es en fol venguz,
Don toz autr' om fora decaseguz;
Mas vos es tant de ric corage et haut
Qe la foudat, don nulz hom no.us razona,
Sabes cobrir, e si fosson Frances
Cil d'Estela, venjamen n'agraz pres,
Quar no.us donet lo reis, q'om n'ochaizona.

Be.m meraveill de vos, en Raimbaut,
Cum vos es tan endreich me irascuz,
Q'en breu serez per fol reconoguz
Plus q'en Peirols qe hom ten per arnaut.
Anaz vos en al rei de Barsalona
Et als autres, si com avez enpres,
Qe mais amaz deniers e paubr' arnes
Q'en Conoguz l'amor de na Falcona.

Engles, ben tost venguet n'Aimars l'assaut,
Qe.ill pescador si.us preiron con un luz.
Non dic eu ges qe anc fosses batuz,
Si non fon colps que vengues de resaut;
E no.n mier mal si.l reis no.us det ni.os dona,
Ni car crezes lo sagel del borgues,
Lo prodome per qe n'avez comes:
Bons Dieus fora n'Aimars que tost perdona.

Everyone insists, Engles, that I accuse you
of the madded journey when you came back as a madman,
and which would have debased any other man;
but you are so fearless and highly born
that this folly, from which no one exempts you,
you know how to cover; and if those of Estela
had been French, you would have taken revenge upon them,
since the king refused you a gift, for which no one blames him.

You truly astonish me, Sir Raimbaut,
in being so acrimonious towards me:
you will presently be recognised as a madman,
even more so than Peirol, whom is considered a lunatic.
Away with you to the king of Barcelona
and to the others, as you have undertaken,
since you love money and poor apparel
more than Sir Conoguz does the love of Dame Falcona.

Engles, Sir Aimar very soon avenged the attack,
when those fishermen caught you like a pike.
I don't quite say you were beaten up,
save for a blow which came on the rebound;
nor is the king to blame if he refused and refuses you a gift,
or because you trusted the seal of the burger,
the valiant because of whom you started it all:
if Sir Aimar forgave so easily, he'd be the good god himself.